
Our events tells it all:

Since 2017, DLD have organized and impacted in more than 21 mentorship forums. We pride ourselves in touching the lives 7,000+ youths, including students and young adults within Murang’a county through our mentorship programs: This either happened through:-

  • High school mentorship program
  • Primary school mentorship program
  • Drug and substance abuse awareness campaign
  • Mental Health campaign
  • DLD league

Featured Events - 2024.

  • Mugoiri Girls Senior

    Monday 29th July, 2024 - Mentorship

  • Kari School

    Monday 29th July, 2024 - Mentorship

  • Team Building

    Aug. 2024- TBA

REQUEST: Help Us Sponsor This Event

Your support in sponsoring this league will be highly appreciated. You will have taken part in uniting the youth and creating Mental Health & Drug Abuse Awareness. 

Send Your Contributions to the contact below:

0716 675 332 –  (Valentine Kariuki – Treasurer). 

Funds Raised: Confirm Your Contribution

>>Transparency Guaranteed<<

They Need Your Word!

Passing a Cup of Hope.

Accomplished Events 2024.

Our transformative journey paves the way for a brighter future. Explore all upcoming youth empowerment events. At DLD, we believe in changing perceptions and uplifting young minds socially and economically.

#EmpowerYouth #MentorshipMatters #ChangeMakers

  • High Sch Mentorship - St. Joseph

    Happened on July 20th 2024. A team of seven joined the St. Joseph fraternity (Students, Teachers, and Parents) during their annual general meeting. DLD had an engaging talk with the students in the hall. DLD also produced the keynote speaker - Eliza Kamau

  • High Sch Mentorship - Kagumo Sec Sch.

    Happened on June 8th 2024. DLD had a mentorship session with the entire school, separately (In their respective classes). We also had an engaging boy/girl session. Our mentorship forums had positive impact on students - at personal and academic level. Glory to God.

  • DLD League - 2ND Edition


Loading 28th April


4 Teams

Knockout Stage

8 Teams

As scheduled, the DLD League commenced with four exciting games, marking the official launch of our campaign: Say No To Drugs, Say Yes To Mental Health.

Quite a good number of youths are in a prison called drug abuse…they are addicted. As such, DLD team emphasised on ‘Drug & Substance Abuse Quitting Strategy’

We believe its possible to calling a quit and start a new drug-free chapter.

We managed to capture the moments as below:

Semi-Finals - 21st April 2024

Gatundu FC

Before Match

Gitaro FC

Before Match

Munyutha FC

Before Match with Nelson – DLD Board Member.

Kagumo FC

Before Match

Knockout Stage - 14th April 2021

In-play caption

Ndutumi v Munyutha in action. Munyutha won.

Before match

DLD team -Philip, Nelson, and Joseph- with Ndutumi FC lineup.

Robert & John with players

Drug Abuse Awareness

Robert, delivering Drug Abuse Quitting Strategy.

Area Asst. Chief, DLD Team and Kass FC.

DLD members -Kevin & Nelson- with Ngaru FC 


Kagumo and Ngaru on the move. Kagumo won!

Nelson Maina – DLD Board Member.

Kagumo FC

  • Pre League Tour

Happened on Apr 13th 2024.

In a ‘Meet the Teams Tour,’ 2 DLD representatives -Joseph Rutinu & Nelson Maina- visited the teams in their respective training camps. The teams were ready for the league and appreciated the initiative.  They resonated with the fact that Drugs Kill You more than they Kill Your Money.

Camps/Team visited: Gitaro FC, Young Lions FC, and Gatundu FC.

Young Lions

Nelson Maina presenting the DLD League 2024 chapter to Young Lions.

Gitaro FC

Joseph presenting the DLD League 2024 Chapter to Gitaro FC.

Gatundu FC

Nelson presenting the DLD League 2024 Chapter to Gatundu FC.


Joseph sharing Drug Abuse and Mental health tips to Gitaro FC Youths.

  • High Sch Mentorship - Kiaguthu Boys

    Happened on Mar 8th 2024. 3 DLD representatives -Robert, Joseph, & Elizabeth, in partnership with Missioners for Christ Ambassadors and Kiaguthu Old Students Fellowship, participated in a mentorship forum for the entire school.

  • High Sch Mentorship - Ng'araria Sec Sch

    Happened on Feb 15th 2024. DLD had a mentorship session with the form ones' & Form Twos'. The session was fruitful and impactful.

Past Events - Since 2017.

10 +

Mentorship Forums

0 +

Awareness Campaigns

DLD -Accessible role models and inspiring figures to emulate and learn from.